Useful packages



Official documentation:

Moment is a powerful package for working with dates in JavaScript.
It allows you to quickly and easily format dates in any way you want or parse strings back into JavaScript Date objects.
There are even some extensions for it to allow you work with durations and more.

For example if you wanted to ask your users to give you a date,
you can use moment to turn it in a Date object you can use in your code:

const input = await => ===, {
	max: 4,
	time: 10e3,
	errors: ['time'],
const date = moment(input.first().content);

Using the "moment-duration-format" extension we could tell the user how many days in the future or past the date is:

if (date.isValid()) {
	const now = moment();
	const duration = date - now;
	const formatted = moment.duration(duration, 'ms').format();

	if (duration > 0) {`The date you gave me is ${formatted} into the future.`);
	} else {`The date you gave me is ${formatted} into the past.`);
} else {'You didn\'t give me a valid date.');



Official documentation:

Ms is another tool for working with times in JavaScript. However, ms specializes on durations. It allows you to convert times in milliseconds into human readable formats, and vice versa.


await'Send two messages and I\'ll tell you how far apart you sent them.');
const messages = await => === {
	max: 2,
	time: 30e3,
	errors: ['time'],

const difference = messages.last().createdTimestamp - message.first().createdTimestamp();
const formatted = ms(difference);`You sent the two messages ${formatted} apart.`);



Official documentation:

Common-tags is a library all about working with template literals.
So far you have probably only used them for interpolating variables into your strings, but they can do a whole lot more. If you got time, you should check out the MDN's documentation about tagged literals..

Ever got annoyed your multi-line strings had nasty bits of indentation in them, but you did not want to remove the indentation in your source code?
common-tags got you covered:

const packageName = 'common-tags';

if (someCondition) {
	const poem = stripIndents`
		I like ${packageName}.
		It makes my strings so pretty,
		you should use it too.


This will print your little poem like expected, but it will not have any tabs or other whitespace on the left.

But this is just the start! Another set of useful functions are the list-related functions: inlineLists, commaLists, etc.
With those you can easily interpolate arrays into your strings without them looking ugly:

const options = ['add', 'delete', 'edit'];

// -> Do you want me to add, delete or edit the channel?`
	Do you want me to ${options} the channel?

Check the the documentation to find more useful functions.



Official documentation:

Chalk is not exactly useful for Discord bots themselves, but it will make your terminal output a lot prettier and organized. This package lets you color and style your console.logs in many, many different ways; No more simple white on black.

Let's say you want your error messages to be easily visible; Let us give them a nice red color:

console.log(chalk.redBright('FATAL ERROR'), 'Something really bad happened!');

image of code above

You can also chain multiple different multipliers.
If you wanted to have green text, a grey background and have it all underlined that is absolutely possible:

console.log('This is so pretty.'));

image of code above



Official documentation:

Winston is "a logger for just about everything". You can log to the terminal, you can log to a file, etc.
"But wait," I hear you cry, "what's wrong with console.log?".
Well, the answer is simple: console.log is slow, very slow, and not very versatile. Whenver you make a call to console.log your program halts, it has to wait for console.log to finish. While it does that your program can do nothing else. That does not sound very good, does it? Well, that is exactly what winston is for.

Winston is fast and highly configurable. It has different log levels for all your needs, it can log to files, the terminal, etc. Like moment.js it also has extension packages. So if there is something you feel is missing you can probably find one that fits your needs.

Now, there really are a lot of options, so it is recommended you take a look at the docs yourself. But let us get a quick overview of what it can do:

const client = new Discord.Client();
const logger = winston.createLogger({
	transports: [
		new winston.transports.Console(),
		new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'log' }),
	format: winston.format.printf(log => `[${log.level.toUpperCase()}] - ${log.message}`),

client.on('ready', () => logger.log('info', 'The bot is online!'));
client.on('debug', m => logger.log('debug', m));
client.on('warn', m => logger.log('warn', m));
client.on('error', m => logger.log('error', m));

process.on('uncaughtException', error => logger.log('error', error));


The above code creates a simple logger which will log to both the console and a file called "log" (defined by the transports options).
The format option tells the logger which format to use for the messages, by default it outputs JSON objects. While useful, JSON is not very readable, so we are defining a custom format which just displays the log level in all caps alongside the message. If you wanted to you could also use the chalk module to make the logger's format a bit prettier by applying colors, etc.

winston example

Winston is not the only logging library out there though, so if you are not convinced you should google around a bit and you should find something you will like.

Last Updated: 1/4/2019, 8:26:39 AM