Using a REST API

REST APIs are extremely popular on the web and allow you to freely grab a site's data if that site has an available API over an HTTP connection.

If you've ever seen a music bot that accepts a YouTube query instead of just a video's URL, then you've seen a REST API in action. As a matter of fact, discord.js is made to use Discord's API. So, you've probably used an API yourself.

Making HTTP requests with Node

In these examples we are going to be using node-fetch which is a great library for making HTTP requests.

To install node-fetch, run the following command:

npm install node-fetch

Skeleton code

To start off, you're just going to be using this skeleton code:

const Discord = require('discord.js');

const client = new Discord.Client();
const prefix = '!';

client.once('ready', () => {

client.on('message', async message => {
	if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;

	const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
	const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

	// ...



We're going to take advantage of destructuring in this tutorial to maintain readability.

Using node-fetch

node-fetch is a lightweight module that brings the Fetch API which is available in browsers to node. It is a promised based library. If you aren't already familiar with promises, you should read up on them here.

In this tutorial we'll be making a bot with 2 API-based commands. The first will be using and the other will use Urban Dictionary.

To require node-fetch, you'd do:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

Random Cat

Random cat's API is available at and returns a JSON response. To actually fetch data from the API, you're going to do the following:

fetch('').then(response => response.json());

Now, of course it seems like this does nothing but what it's doing is launching a request to the server and is returning some JSON that contains a file property which is a string containing a link to a random cat. node-fetch returns a response object which we can change into JSON with response.json(). Next, let's implement this into a command. The code should look similar to this:

if (command === 'cat') {
	const { body } = await fetch('').then(response => response.json());;

So, here's what's happening in this code:

  1. You're sending a GET request to
  2. sees your request and gets a random file from their database.
  3. then sends that file's URL as a JSON object that contains a link to the image.
  4. node-fetch recieves the response and deserializes it with reponse.json().
  5. You then send the object's file property in Discord.


The response will only be parsed if the server's Content-Type header includes application/json. In some cases, you may have to get the text property instead of the body property and JSON.parse() it yourself.

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary's API is available at, accepts a term parameter, and also returns a JSON response.

First, you're going to need to fetch data from the API and get its body. To do this, you'd do:

const querystring = require('querystring');

if (command === 'urban') {
  if (!args.length) {
    return'You need to supply a search term!');

	const query = querystring.stringify({ term: args.join(' ') });

  const { body } = await fetch(`${query}`).then(response => response.json());

Here, we use Node's native querystring module to create a query string for the URL so that the Urban Dictionary server can parse it and know what to search for.

If you were to do !urban hello world, then the URL would become since the string gets encoded.

With the body variable, you can get the properties of the returned JSON response. If you were to view it in your browser, it usually looks like a bunch of mumbo jumbo. If it doesn't, great! If it does, then you should get a JSON formatter/viewer. If you're using Chrome, JSON Formatter is one of the more popular extensions. If you're not using Chrome, search for "JSON formatter/viewer <your browser>" and get one.

Now, if you look at the JSON, you can see that's a list property, which is an array of objects containing various definitions for the term (maximum 10). Something you always want to do when making API based commands is to handle there being no results. So, let's throw a random term in there (e.g. njaksdcas) and then look at the response. The list array should then be empty. Now you are ready to start writing!

First, you want to start with a check. After fetching the API and storing the body, you would do:

if (!body.list.length) {
	return`No results found for **${args.join(' ')}**.`);

After making sure that there are results, you will use those results. For now, let's simply send back the definition and nothing more. It's as simple as:[0].definition);

Here, you are simply getting the first object from the array of objects called list and grabbing its definition property.

If you've followed the tutorial, you should have something like this:

User 02/01/2019
!urban njaksdcas
Tutorial Bot
Tutorial Bot Bot 02/01/2019
@User, No results for **njaksdcas**
User 02/01/2019
!urban hello world
Tutorial Bot
Tutorial Bot Bot 02/01/2019
The easiest, and first program any newbie would write. Applies for any language. Also what you would see in the first chapter of most programming books.

Now, let's just make this an embed.

We are also going to be defining a utility function at the top of our file so that our embed doesn't error when the field value is over 1024 characters. Here is a bit of code to do that:

const trim = (str, max) => ((str.length > max) ? `${str.slice(0, max - 3)}...` : str);

This is how we'll be structuring the embed:

const [answer] = body.list;

const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
	.addField('Definition', trim(answer.definition, 1024))
	.addField('Example', trim(answer.example, 1024))
	.addField('Rating', `${answer.thumbs_up} thumbs up. ${answer.thumbs_down} thumbs down.`);;

Now, if you do that same command again, you should get this:

User 02/01/2019
!urban hello world
Tutorial Bot
Tutorial Bot Bot 02/01/2019
The easiest, and first program any newbie would write. Applies for any language. Also what you would see in the first chapter of most programming books.
programming noob: Hey I just attended my first programming lesson earlier!
.NET Veteran: Oh? What can you do?
programming noob: I could make a dialog box pop up which says "Hello World!" !!!
.NET Veteran: lmao.. hey guys! look.. check out this "hello world" programmer

Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
122 thumbs up.
42 thumbs down.

Resulting code

If you want to compare your code to the code we've constructed so far, you can review it over on the GitHub repository here .

Last Updated: 1/4/2019, 8:13:28 AM